VCXD is back??
Recently, a VCXD admin made a post for the first time in YEARS. Do you know what this could mean?? VCXD may be coming back in the near...
[insert funny title]
[insert short weird story with misspelled words (insert bad punchline)]
1234567890 qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm !@#$%*() QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM
were back!
were back with a new lineup of random posts for 2019!
revenge of the fry guy
captain pizza was getting a hot dog with fries on the side when suddenly one of the fries woke up, pressed a button and then grew to a...
im back from camp
i just came back from camp and it was fun. so am going to make a comic seires on vcxd called camp stories
check out our burger of the day
we have a burger of the day page now people
captain pizza vs fri guy
captain pizza was walking down the street when fri guy popped out of no where they battled until finally fri tripped and fell into the...
stapler: the journey to paper clip palace
in this epic film a stapler goes on a journey far and wide to find king paper clip so he can join the stapler club. he encounters many...